Tuesday, April 23, 2013


After kit bashing Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson as Roadblock from G.I.Joe Retaliation movie, I finally got the chance to see the film. This inspired me to make another kit bash of a G.I.Joe character base from the movie. As the former team leader of the Joe’s, I feel that Duke deserves his very own figure. Channing Tatum played the role of Duke from the first movie Rise of Cobra and the resent G.I.Joe Retaliation. Base from the first movie, Conrad Hauser A.K.A. Duke is a former Special Forces Captain. He was later on recruited by G.I.Joe’s commander General Hawk. After the events of the first movie Duke then became the field leader of the Joe team. In an attack issued by fake President Zartan, Duke together with most of his men were KIA. Leaving his friend Roadblock and a handful of Joe’s to face the wrath of Cobra Commander.
My 1/6 scale representation of Captain Duke from the movie G.I.Joe Retaliation.
Head sculpt of Hasbro’s Duke 1/6 figure from the Rise of Cobra toy line.
Duke equipped with his pistol and a signal flare on the other hand.
For his extra gear I added several Mk141 mod 0 stun grenades and a flare.
M9 9mm pistol with several spare ammo.
Duke wearing body armor and several ammo pouch both for his SCAR-L and his pistol.

At the back is a small dump pouch for extra gear.

Duke’s weapon of choice the FN SCAR-L also called Mk16 mod 0. The SCAR-L uses 5.56x45mm NATO rounds and has a firing rate of 625 rounds per minute.
Duke with his assault rifle.
Duke fully geared and ready to take out Cobra.
Too bad he died in the movie.
In memory of Capt. Conrad “Duke” Hauser.







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