Sunday, April 14, 2013


Final figure in the Arkham City wave four set. This time we get an improved version of the series 3 Batman. Back in the first wave we got a version of Batman without his mask. In the second wave of figures the detective mode Batman was issued. Then in the third wave a regular Batman was released. So what’s new with this improved Batman? Well for starters we have the torso and abdominal articulation; we also get a double hinged knee. He also came with a batarang. One drawback of the figure is the heavy cape. Over all he is the best version of Batman from series one to series four. I hope that in the fifth wave DC would focus on making other characters and skip Batman.
Arkham City game poster
Batman out of the box. He has around 22 points of articulation.
I like the face sculpt of the figure. A really mean looking Batman.
Well detailed hands with a Batarang.
Due to the cape Batman has a hard time standing on his own.
Wish the cape was removable.
Batman has hinge foot, swivel on the boots, double hinge knee, ball joint hip, ab crunch, torso ball joint, ball jointed head, ball joint shoulder, swivel bicep, single hinge elbow, swivel on the gloves and swivel on the arm. From wave 1 to 4, I say this is the Batman to get.
Arkham City Series 4:







  1. Whats The Colour Of The Cape ?

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