Thursday, June 20, 2013


Donatello or Donnie is a member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He is not the most skillful fighter among the four but he has the biggest brain of the lot. Donnie is a genius when it comes to computers and machines. His brothers rely on him to make cool vehicles for them. Donnie is no push over though as he is trained to use a staff or Bo. To easily identify Donnie look for the purple bandana that he uses.
Goofy looking 80’s Donatello. Personally I like the funny looking cartoon style TMNT.

Playmates did a good job on articulating their TMNT classic line allowing several action stance and poses.
Donnie looking a bit too serious.

In the 80’s TMNT TV series the Turtles were given belt buckles with their initial to make it easier to differentiate them from one another since they all look the same except for their weapon of choice.
Donnie keeps his Bo holstered at the back.

NYC manhole style figure stand with the TMNT logo and the characters name.
Donatello with his brothers Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo.





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