Among DC’s many titles I like Batman the most so I started with him. Getting Batman #1, Batman the Dark Knight #1 and of course Detective Comic Batman #1. But the thing that caught my eye right away was the Justice League title drawn by the famous Jim Lee. Lee’s take on the league was stunning. He even designed new looks for each of the characters. And when Dc Direct released Batman in his new Jim Lee costume I immediately pre ordered him. Later to be a bit disappointed. Let’s take a closer look at the figure.
The New 52 Justice League
Batman in his new Jim Lee costume. The figure is well made and highly detailed. Although limited in articulation, this figure is pretty good. I would rather have a figure with limited movement than to sacrifice detail and his appearance. So this figure is a nice compromise between articulation and detail.
Closer look of Batman. The costume has detail all over him. He has recessed lines all over his suit, a nicely sculpted belt and the bat symbol on his chest is sculpted to be embossed and not just paint on.
Batman’s head sculpt. The only thing that I disapprove in the figure is the glossy paint in his cowl, gloves and boots. Batman needs to be stealthy and uses surprise as his advantage. Being glossy defeats the purpose of being able to hide in the dark and stuff like that.
Nice detailed glove.
Back side showing his cape. Batman won’t be complete without his cape.
The New 52 Batman #1
The New 52 Batman Detective Comics #1
The New 52 Batman Dark Knight #1
The figure is well made and is the first figure made using Jim Lee’s new 52 costume. So he is highly recommended to Batman fans and Justice League collectors. As for the glossy part, you can either use matt varnish or even repaint it if you really want. Dc would also release the other characters of the New 52 JL let’s hope they won’t gloss them up so stay tuned. Now to the cinemas Batman fans The Dark Knight Rises is now showing!!!